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Newsletter September 2022

Several photos in one, a chef plating food, a white hen and a young woman in her vegetable garden.

Planning work, market analysis and financing options

It feels like time passes a little faster at certain times of the year. Summer was over in a flash and we are now settling back into our normal routines. Since our last newsletter in June, a summer has passed and many thoughts have had time to mature. We are taking on the autumn’s activities with new energy and inspiration.

Site taking shape through planning work and a video describing the vision

Comprehensive plans and detailed development plans are currently being developed for the intended site next to Väderstad. A comprehensive plan is out for consultation, and the municipality’s city planners coming to Väderstad to speak more about future plans. During the same event the project group will be presenting the latest news concerning the Food Expeerience Centre as well as asking people to join a working group focusing on Väderstad. The municipality is drawing up a detailed development plan for the site, as required in order for the first building to be constructed. Alongside this, we are holding consultation meetings with the County Administrative Board, which is also one of the driving forces behind the processes for determining how the site will be developed.

We have previously mentioned that a video has been produced to more clearly visualise the vision that we have for the site. This film has now been translated into English and accessible features allow for audio description. Contact Caroline Davidsson if you would like access to the video.

What’s happening this autumn

We are continuing work on creating detailed information for interested parties who wish to set up business on site. The areas that will be focused on and explored over the autumn are a market analysis for the establishment of a hotel, and an update of a previously made feasibility study for the tourism industry.

Our project organisation remains relatively small, so we are always on the lookout for financing opportunities that can bridge the period until construction begins. We have submitted a project application in response to Vinnova’s call for proposals regarding “A new recipe for the food system in Sweden”. We will also be receiving funding from the region’s organisation for the promotion of enterprise and investment, in order to complete some of the information activities we are planning for in the autumn.

It is always a pleasure to receive enquiries from organisations that are interested in learning more about the Food Experience Centre. Over the next few weeks, we will be presenting the project to Rotary in Mjölby, Naturum Tåkern and Vreta Kluster when they receive a delegation from Region Kalmar. We also have plans for a study trip to other tourism hubs in Sweden, to learn and benefit from their experience, but also to broaden our network and find more partners for the project, with a mutual exchange of ideas and experiences in the future.

Finally, we would like to announce our next working group meeting on 23-24 November in Mjölby, which will include interesting talks on destination development. The meeting will be held at cost price and hopefully we will be able to include a field visit to Väderstad. More information on this will be provided at a later date – so keep your eyes peeled!

If you have any tips and ideas that you would like to send to the project team, don’t hesitate to contact one of us below. Until the next time!


Eva Rådander, Head of Project Food Experience Center
Phone: +46 10-234 51 13

Kim Brax, Project Manager Smaklabbet
Phone: +46 10-234 58 57



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